
Bill Nye Destroys The World

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Void696's avatar

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Bill Nye’s recent episode on his Netflix show, “Bill Nye Saves The World” has left me as well as many others both shocked and disturbed.

As a millennial who grew up watching this guy in the 90s this is very disheartening to me. To be honest, I used to enjoy his children’s show on the local family channel, “Bill Nye the Science Guy.” He made science education fun and for years was an icon for children’s education. Like many, I respected the man and was grateful as an adult to have such individuals on television when there is so much garbage.

It is amazing to me how the image and reputation of a person can be ruined within a two minute video, but for me, that is exactly what happened.

As an adult, I was well aware that Nye had many criticisms of the Christian religion, but they were widely held scientific theories. As a Christian myself, I of course had my differences with Bill, but based on this, I was still able to respect him.

Now he has brought himself down to the level of “flat earthers” in his claim that the idea of two genders only exists as a social construct” and should instead be viewed as a spectrum.” This is a belief held only by “radical progressives” which contradicts everything we know about biology concerning sexual dimorphism. Since when did he begin giving into radical, political ideologues over being a “man of facts and science?” At this point, he is in no position to ridicule Christians for “believing the universe was created by an eternal being.” At least no one can prove one way or the other in the “existence” or “non-existence” of the Christian God. The reality of their being only two sexes, however, stares at us every day of our lives in our biology. Every human society and culture ever in existence was built on the understanding of this. That has NOTHING to do with religion or cultural stereotypes. The human race as well as the majority of species cannot reproduce without the reality of both sexes. A man may be born with female characteristics or a woman may be born with male characteristics, but there are still only MALE and FEMALE characteristics. Being born with deformities suck. As someone born with a handicap, I know this. However, this does not make me or anyone else “less of a person” any more than it is to realizing that nature isn’t perfect and abnormalities exist.

I believe in the absolute freedom of a person to live their life however they please, concerning their sexuality and that they should be able to choose for themselves what they should identify as, but only so long it does not INFRINGE on the rights of others. Believe it or not, I support the freedom of a person voluntarily to choose not to recognize their gender, but not at the expense of creating false science or taking gendered bathrooms away from the rest of society. This is where LGBT/whatever has really crossed the line and become a threat to the personal freedom of every individual who does not conform to their fanatical ideology.

Science aside, the video itself is such a picture of the LGBTQ obsession and dare I say “worship” of sexuality. If the lyrics, “must I choose between hard or moist” were coming from a regular rap music video, I would not be bothered but the fact it’s now coming from someone iconic in children’s educational programming like Bill Nye, that has turned so many people off including myself.

I was amazed from scrolling through the YouTube comment section where many people made posts along the lines of, “Because of this Bill Nye video, I converted to Christianity.” I suspect most if not all said this in jest, but it still reveals that atheists and the religious alike are beginning to see just how vulgar the LGBTQ organization is in their goals and methods. The same can be said for the YouTube children’s show, Queer Kids Stuff. Do we really want to raise a generation of people taught to be obsessed with sex and gender?  Do we really believe the family has no meaning or relevance in modern society? Do we want the next generation to believe that the roles of fathers and mothers end after procreation?  

Children are now being taught to explore their sexuality to it’s limits with no reference to consequences. They are taught that mother and fathers are interchangeable as well as gender itself.

Can’t we open our eyes to see that movements like LGBT and the modern Black Lives Matter have NOTHING to do with Civil Rights? All these movements accomplish is enslaving our voices, by controlling what can and cannot be said through their flexible definition of “hate speech.”

They have also served as a convenient distraction from economic issues which plague the lower working class by creating a campaign against an enemy which does not exist. Privilege among classes has always existed and it has not changed at all in the twenty first century, but the rich global elites have done very well in indoctrinating my generation to believe that privilege has little to do with wealth and everything to do with race, gender, and sexual lifestyles. If you are a millionaire, you are privileged regardless of whatever attributes you possess. And don’t think they are unaware of the power of the media and celebrities like Bill Nye who are merely puppets used to further the interests of rich globalists.

Social justice only serves the interests of the rich in separating us by pitting neighbors against one another. Are we so gullible to believe that rich globalist elites like George Soros are spending millions of dollars on these so called “social justice” movements and “political campaigns” out of the goodness of their hearts? The reason I bring up George Soros is because it is documented that this rich globalist billionaire has owned “317,534 Netflix shares, worth $32,000,000,” since the end of 2015. Soros also has been extremely involved in the mainstream media, reportedly investing billions of dollars in social justice journalism and entertainment as well as funding the Clinton Campaign. If you still doubt the hypocrisy of the “social justice movement,” Soros has admitted to being a “Nazi Sympathizer” and “to assisting the Nazi’s in confiscating Jewish property during the Hungarian German occupation. Why do we not hear “progressive, social justice millennials raising an outcry over their politicians and the mainstream media accepting money from this man?” It almost seems as though our morality and reason has become something which can be switched off and on at the push of a button whenever it is to our convenience. Is this the kind of “change” you intend to bring to the world, Bill Nye?

It is time we come together against these tyrants, in the polls and alternative media. This has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative. I am someone that has mostly voted democratic in the past so I certainly would not consider myself a straightforward conservative. We need to shut our ears to the voices of the mainstream media and not allow them to draw us into believing their distortion of the world. When someone like Bill Nye is denying the existence of gender and basic science, how much more evidence do we need for us to see that nothing they say has any validity anymore? It is all smoke, mirrors, and an enormous amount of money.
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RudiRueWarecorgi's avatar

Bills totally flipped for the man now. He's also a We're all Destroying the Earth Climate Change worshipper. He's got one hand in the woke billionaires pocket and the other in the Globalist billionaires. It seems he wanted a mansion and was tired of living in a cheap apartment. In the last five years his net worth has gone up around a Million a year. Yeah not sold out at all, right.